National Risk Services Inc. 24 year old “Story in a Paragraph”

Would you be interested in a review of the accuracy of the premium you paid on your past workers’ compensation policies? In over 90% of the time companies like yours are being overcharged on their workers compensation policy. We will isolate and correct any overpayments or mistakes made by your current and prior insurance companies and Rating Boards.  

We get the corrections processed and recover the monies you spent based on those mistakes. For you the best part is there is no "out of pocket expense to you or your company". We have successfully provided this program for over 20 years. We have also returned over $58 million dollars on behalf of companies like yours. What we would like to do today is simply set up a convenient time when one of our Account Managers can contact you by email or phone....

The contact page may be completed and we will provide you with the three documents to complete the analysis.